I have updated my profile on zonk.be and am connected to the fediverse. If you are on Mastodon, follow me as @dimi@zonk.be or go to zonk.be/author/dimi/

I have updated my profile on zonk.be and am connected to the fediverse. If you are on Mastodon, follow me as @dimi@zonk.be or go to zonk.be/author/dimi/
The blog finally has the ActivityPub plugin installed, so we are part of the Fediverse now! Yay!
I guess that means an introduction is in order? Geek, techie, web developer, traveler, into commons, free/libre/opensource, traveling, sailing, sustainability, off-grid, renewable energy, writing/blogging, too much to mention really.
I’ve got a bunch of Mastodon profiles, but will try to post here more often again!