It can be confusing on what terms to use, how to use them, and in what context are they are appropriate. Each person often comes up with their own …
Terminology: How to Refer to a Trans* Person
dimipiraat on Twitter/X is not me!
I deleted my Twitter account (now X) a while ago and I heeded the warnings that someone might take my username (dimipiraat). I just found out that has happened, so contrary to most places on the internet the user dimipiraat on Twix is not me!
Losing 2FA access
Two factor authentication is great and very necessary, I enable it in most places where it is available.
The one downside is that when you lose access to your phone you need to reset 2FA in a lot of places. And obviously the backup codes also always seem to get lost.
BTW: This is a message to Matthew who I hope can help met get access again to my Matrix Mastodon account that I have access to this domain and the e-mail I sent him wasn’t spoofed! 😉
Following my dreams
What are you most proud of in your life?
First time answering one of these prompts. What I’m most proud of in my life is that I’ve been doing exactly what I dreamed, imagined, wanted do. The most recent example is sailing across an ocean (check for more on that), which has been a dream since I was a teenager.
Sailing from Cape Town to Brazil has been the culmination of a process of imagination started about ten years ago when I decided to first visit and then move to South Africa. And that was set in motion by the imagination of living somewhere else then Belgium where I was born and grew up.
I know I have been extremely privileged to be able to realise these dreams, I definitely do not want to suggest that it’s easy to just follow your dreams. But I know a lot of people actually could do it, if they let go of the fear, if that voice (inside or outside your head) telling you it’s not possible.
Message of support for Palestine from Beursschouwburg
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian
In these grim times of grief, we come together to find strategies for coping, for uniting, and for raising our voices in enduring struggles towards liberation.
It’s hard to find words these days. Still, we try.
An art organization does not exist in isolation, but is intricately connected to the world it inhabits. In recent days, we have been deeply troubled as we’ve witnessed the specter of death, the shattering of lives, and the devastation affecting Israeli and Palestinian lives.
The unfolding violence in and around Gaza represents a clear violation of international law, a stark affront to our shared humanity. Countless civilians, including children, are being displaced and subjected to relentless bombardment. In this solemn moment, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who are being ignored on the international stage.
As an art organization we serve as a hub for reflection, engagement, and the sharing of knowledge and stories. That’s why we wish to share these links with you, so you can join us in making a gesture of solidarity.
In these grim times of grief, we come together to find strategies for coping, for uniting, and for raising our voices in enduring struggles towards liberation.
Join us at the manifestation on Sunday 22 October leaving from Schuman (Brussels, Belgium) at 14:00.
Unprovoked Narratives by Palestine Film Institute
‘Learning Palestine_Until Liberation’ mixtape via Radio Alhara
‘Electrical Gaza’ (2015) by Rosalind Nashashibi on Lux Moving Image
Statement of solidarity by artists and cultural workers in Belgium
List of trusted organizations to donate to Palestine
Open-source designs ‘Stop Genocide’ by Atelier Brenda
Performance ‘Language: no broblem’ by Marah Haj Hussein on 27.10 in Beursschouwburg
(Add to this list by writing to
Reblog via Dimi Piraat
Short documentary about the sewage being dumped off the beach of Camps Bay in Cape Town: #CapeTown #BayOfSewage #documentary #sewage #ocean #CampsBay #Clifton
Hello Fediverse!
The blog finally has the ActivityPub plugin installed, so we are part of the Fediverse now! Yay!
I guess that means an introduction is in order? Geek, techie, web developer, traveler, into commons, free/libre/opensource, traveling, sailing, sustainability, off-grid, renewable energy, writing/blogging, too much to mention really.
I’ve got a bunch of Mastodon profiles, but will try to post here more often again!
We bought another boat
I just noticed the last post on this blog was announcing the buying of our Van de Stadt 34 sailboat Hoerikwaggo. Since we have sailed said boat on quite few day sails on said boat and figured out what exactly we want form a live aboard / full time, long distance cruiser. So we bought another boat: a Morgan 31 named Tropical Dawn. For photos and videos check out our Tropical Dawn Instagram account. We will try keep you updated both here and on our social media such as the Tropical Dawn Twitter account and our Tropical Dawn Facebook page.
We bought a boat! ⛵️
We just bought a sailboat, a Van De Stadt 34 yacht which we will spruce up a bit while we get our skipper’s license.
You can follow our boating adventures on Instagram:
And on YouTube:
Declassified: Apartheid Profits – André Vlerick, Banker and Bigot
To explain Vlerick’s willingness to lobby in favour of apartheid, one needs to understand that both profit and ideology were important motivators.
Read the full article here: